Old Penwithians Reunion 2012

On what turned out to be quite a wet and windy Saturday night nearly 40 old boys of the Penzance/Humphry Davy Grammar School turned up at the Queens Hotel on 29th December for their annual reunion.
Once again memories were jogged by a computer slide show of all the old school photographs held by the association which had been set up by Bill Burnett, formerly a member of staff at the school. Old boys were also given the opportunity to add missing names. Oldest old boy present was Dr Arnold ‘Derry’ Derrington of the 1933 entry who was accompanied by his son David (57). Another new face was Graham Nicholas representing the 1945 entry
One of the main topics for discussion was the future of the New Penwithian, the Association Newsletter which is distributed annually to life members. It was feared that the increase in printing and postage costs would be too much for association funds to meet over the coming years. Options considered were to put the newsletter on the website oldpenwithians.co.uk, to distribute it by email or, the worst case scenario, to cease publication. However, it was unanimously agreed that the newsletter should continue in its present form and if necessary members be asked to make further contributions or donations. Where possible, copies to overseas members would be sent by email. The next newsletter will be distributed as normal in December 2013. Anyone wishing to advertise their business activities or write an article for it should contact the Association Secretary.
The Association Secretary Andrew Coak thanked all old boys for attending especially those who had provided prizes for the raffle, which was held during the evening and realised £145. In the absence of Dr Nick Marston, Stuart Guppy ably stepped into the breach and accompanied the traditional hearty rendering of the School Song.